4LANG32.ZIP 85,493 04-12-95 Ultimate Language Tutor v3.2 for Windows.If you want to learn Spanish, French,German or Italian, try this!
ABC12311.ZIP 251,739 04-22-95 ABC123 v1.1 for Windows. Helps preschoolchildren for learning number and letters bysight and sound. Press a number or letteron the keyboard, and the computer displaysand says it in either English or French.
ABCW10.ZIP 654,246 04-26-95 Alphabet Soup for preschoolers. Learningprogram for kids ages 2- 8 to help themwith their development. Covers, basiccounting, ABC's, 2D shapes, 3D shapes, kidssongs, crazy sounds and more.
ADJSHR11.ZIP 67,943 04-05-95 Autogrammatik I: Adjective endings <ASP>Contains one of the most succinctexplanations of German adjective endingsyou will see anywhere. Fill in the correctadjective ending and receive immediatefeedback.
CHINA154.ZIP 157,991 06-03-95 Write Chinese v1.54 <ASP> Teach basicChinese calligraphy. Presents 150 of themost frequently used characters intraditional and simplified forms. Studentspractice drawing characters in a"nine-square box," learn Mandari
CLRWIZ12.ZIP 205,200 04-01-95 Color Wizard v1.2. Advanced children'scoloring book with over 700 colors. It'seducational too: color or read aboutDinosaurs, Sharks, Aesop's Fables, andRapunzel.
COLORM1.ZIP 66,369 04-11-95 ColorMatch v1.0. Designed to teach childrento identify 9 different colors by name andby matching the colors together.
EURO42.ZIP 137,248 04-03-95 European 4 Language Learner v2.0. StudyFrench, German, Italian and Spanish.
FAADEMO.ZIP 520,109 04-30-95 Rapidstudy FAA A&P home study course.
FACTWIN1.ZIP 128,924 05-17-95 FactAbility. Power learning system forstudents at all levels. Study, review andtest your knowledge.
FUNSPELL.ZIP 433,689 04-11-95 FunSpell v1.0 for Windows. Spelling Tutoruses WAV files to help kids study spelling.Record words in your own voice. Random'praise' wave files for right answers.
GRADE20.ZIP 280,103 04-18-95 Grade Organizer v2.0 for Windows. Help forinstructors to manage their student'sgrades. Define several subjects and classesfor any time period in any teaching context.
GTWIN200.ZIP 483,073 06-15-95 Guitar Teacher v2.00 for Windows. Chorddatabase. Displays guitar-chord diagrams.Supports Sound Blaster, MIDI audio boards 7chord formulas, 6 alternatives per chord,504 chord diagrams and more!
GUITAR20.ZIP 76,282 04-26-95 The Ultimate Guitar Lesson v2.0 forWindows. 3D guitar tutor covers note andstring names, scales and more.
INSECTA.ZIP 531,827 04-28-95 Insecta. Entomology program targeted atchildren ages 8 and up.
KEYNOT11.ZIP 177,567 05-19-95 KeyNote Music Drills v1.1. Helps musicstudents learn to identify the notes of theBass Clef, Treble Clef, and Grand Staff,and to locate their positions on thekeyboard or guitar finger board.
KITTY123.ZIP 141,833 05-08-95 Kitty123 - Educational game for childrenages 3-6, intended to help teach/reinforcebasic number skills.
LEARN11.ZIP 415,750 04-25-95 Go Learn it! v1.1. Study French, German,Italian, Spanish and Russian, or any othersubject where there are equivalent thingsthat can be matched.
MCHOICE.ZIP 86,744 04-18-95 Multiple Choice v2.0 for Windows. Createmultiple-choice tests on your computer.Each question can contain four answers, afeedback statement, and a graphic.
PASSHR11.ZIP 74,228 04-05-95 Autogrammatik II: ActivePassive Voice <ASP>Given either an active or passive sentencein German, type the complement. Can be setby the user from relatively easy to quitechallenging.
PCCAI221.ZIP 900,227 04-04-95 PC-CAI v2.11 <ASP> Computer AssistedInstructional tool. Write computer driventutorials on any subject using color,graphics including PCX special effects,animation, questions and answers, menuingand branching.
PHONIC8.ZIP 1,097,252 04-11-95 The Phonics Reading & Spelling system willteach children and adults the phoneticreading and spelling methods. Interactiveteaching method with graphic, music andvoice.
PHOW156A.ZIP1,283,272 04-10-95 The Phonics Reading & Spelling system forWindows. 1/2.
PHOW156B.ZIP 416,549 04-11-95 The Phonics Reading & Spelling system. 2/2.
RTG11.ZIP 276,407 04-23-95 Random Test Generator v1.1. Allowseducators to create test databanks withquestions that can be randomly selected.
RUSSIAN2.ZIP 147,345 04-08-95 Russian Language Learner v2.0. StudyRussian vocabulary words, idioms andphrases from any textbook, study guide,story, newspaper or article. If you arestudying from a textbook you can make aseparate file for each chapt
SLA33.ZIP 745,858 04-11-95 Sounds Like A v3.3. Entertaining and uniqueSound Blaster game for children. MIDIsongs, colorful graphics, and high-qualitysounds. Identify the picture whichrepresents the sound or song to reveal ahidden picture.
SPANH113.ZIP 307,066 04-16-95 Spanish Helper Level One v1.3 <ASP>Interactive program to learn Spanish.Levels Two and Three are available byregistration. The programs' interactivequizzing system allows you to learnvocabulary rapidly.
SV210S.ZIP 181,523 04-05-95 Scalae Verborum (Latin Word Ladder) v2.10 <ASP> <ESC> Three programs to help learnLatin vocabulary. Includes file creationmodule, 12 sample files, 3400 worddictionary.
TA100B.ZIP 48,374 05-23-95 Teacher Assistant v1.0b. Database managerfor teachers. Build class lists for yourschool and yourself. Print your class listswith all your students' details. Functionsinclude sorting, printing, listing andsearching.
UHRSHA11.ZIP 91,995 04-05-95 German Cuckoo Clock v1.1 <ASP> Three cleverprograms for students of German.
WL312S.ZIP 269,753 04-05-95 German Word Ladder v3.12. Three programsfor learning German vocabulary quickly andeasily, a file-creation module whichincludes a 7200 word German-Englishdictionary, 25 sample vocabulary files, anda complete manual.